
Welcome to Shineshine Cosmetics

The Shineshine Cosmetics Story

Welcome to Shineshine Cosmetics. 15 years ago, in a little biodynamic community, Shineshine was first conceived. Skincare became a hobby of mine, at first, then it became my passion.

Those were early beginnings, but as all great loves do when nurtured, mine grew into what I soon realized would be my life's work and study. In 2019, Shineshine branched off into the Spa world, to help women and men, older and younger, to attain their desired skincare goal. Our goal here at Shineshine is making one feel confident in their skin.

We're pleasured when we're recommended with any of our products and services, as it gives much joy. However, sharing skincare and beauty tips is one of our most valued.

~Beauty Lover

~Skin Enthusiast

~Healthy Skin Expert

To your health, beauty and pleasure,

Rashida Oyindamola Lawal


We're always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.